Welcome to the Recovering Gamblers Philippines, a compassionate and supportive community dedicated to helping individuals overcome the grip of gambling addiction. We understand the challenges and complexities that come with this destructive behavior, and we are here to provide guidance, encouragement, and a pathway to recovery. Our organization is founded on the belief that recovery is possible for everyone, and we strive to create a safe and nonjudgmental space where individuals can find solace, understanding, and the tools they need to rebuild their lives.

At the Recovering Gamblers Philippines, we recognize the devastating impact that gambling addiction can have, not only on the individual but also on their loved ones. We aim to raise awareness about the destructive nature of gambling and break down the stigmas associated with addiction. Our primary goal is to help individuals reclaim control over their lives and rebuild healthy relationships, financial stability, and emotional well-being.

We offer comprehensive support for individuals recovering from gambling addiction through a combination of personalized coaching and a safe residential halfway house. Our coaching services include one-on-one sessions, group coaching, interactive workshops, and webinars, all designed to address various aspects of recovery and personal development. Additionally, our halfway house, Halfway House on Bliss, provides a secure and nurturing living environment with 24/7 staff support, structured daily schedules, therapeutic activities, and life skills development programs. Together, these services aim to empower individuals to achieve lasting recovery and reintegrate successfully into society.

Our website serves as a comprehensive resource hub for individuals seeking help and support for gambling addiction recovery. We provide educational materials, self-help tools, links to professional treatment centers, and a community of individuals who understand the challenges of overcoming addiction. Together, we can break the cycle of gambling addiction and inspire hope for a brighter future. Join us on this transformative journey and let the Recovering Gamblers Philippines be your guiding light toward a life free from the grip of gambling addiction.