Gambling addiction, also known as pathological gambling or gambling disorder, is a behavioral addiction characterized by an uncontrollable urge to gamble despite negative consequences. It involves the inability to control or stop gambling, even when it causes financial, interpersonal, or emotional harm.

Here are some common signs and symptoms of gambling addiction:

  1. Preoccupation with Gambling: Constantly thinking about gambling, planning future gambling activities, or reliving past gambling experiences.
  2. Increasing Bets: Needing to gamble with increasing amounts of money to achieve the desired excitement or “high.”
  3. Failed Attempts to Stop: Repeated unsuccessful attempts to cut back or stop gambling altogether.
  4. Restlessness and Irritability: Feeling restless or irritable when attempting to reduce or stop gambling.
  5. Chasing Losses: Continuously trying to recover previous gambling losses by gambling more, leading to a cycle of increasing debt.
  6. Lying and Concealing: Hiding or lying about gambling activities to loved ones or others, and attempting to conceal the extent of the problem.
  7. Neglecting Responsibilities: Neglecting work, school, family, or social obligations due to gambling or preoccupation with gambling-related activities.
  8. Financial Problems: Experiencing financial difficulties, such as accumulating significant debt, borrowing money, or resorting to illegal means to finance gambling.
  9. Emotional Distress: Feeling anxious, depressed, or restless when not gambling, and using gambling as a way to escape or numb negative emotions.
  10. Relationship Strain: Experiencing conflicts, breakdowns, or strain in relationships due to gambling, including lying, deceiving, or stealing from loved ones to fund gambling activities.
  11. Withdrawal Symptoms: Experiencing restlessness, irritability, or mood swings when attempting to stop or reduce gambling.

It’s important to note that the presence of some or all of these signs does not guarantee a gambling addiction, but if you or someone you know exhibits several of these behaviors and is experiencing negative consequences as a result of gambling, it may indicate the presence of a gambling addiction. Seeking professional help and support is essential for proper diagnosis and effective treatment.